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OEM LicensesAnnual licenses for multiple customers distribution. Save more with more licenses bundle.


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Each bundle includes

  • One license per production domain and unlimited test domains
  • Basic support for the duration of a prepaid license subscription
  • LiveArt HTML5 Designer
  • Access to Liveart's Admin to create premade templates and manage assets
  • Backend for processing and saving design outputs

Need unlimited license distribution?

Contact us at liveart on Skype, or mail to [email protected]


How license is delivered?

The plain license includes compiled JS files for designer that are locked to your specific domains. You can always request an extension with significant discount or contact us for an upgrade or purchase of full source code license.

What are the licensing terms?

Please visit LiveArt License Agreement

What is the difference between a Standalone and a Shop solutions?

LiveArt Starter solution is a SDK (software kit) that you can deploy without any eCommerce website. It features an admin panel to manage designer assets such as fonts, gallery artwork, or products and collect design submissions from customers. You can then contact your customers or business partners to proceed with the payment or order confirmation manually. The LiveArt Standalone solution requires additional programming to add it to ERP or the website.

The Pro solution features LiveArt Designer pre-integrated into ready Shopify, WooCommece, or Magento eCommerce website. The customers will add designs to the shopping cart for an automated checkout. With this version, there is no need to contact your customers manually, plus you will be able to see ready orders (along with production-grade output) in the admin panel.

Feel free to contact our sales team to advise the best fit for your business.

Can I move from a subscription license to a perpetual one?

Yes. If you would like to change a subscription plan to a perpetual license, we will make you a special offer. All your data from the subscription plan will be saved and delivered with a perpetual license. Please contact us for more information.

How do I proceed?

Contact us by convenient means to have your questions answered and get a trial. Once you feel confident with trial, get your license prepared and go live!

Which products can I add to the designer?

Our LiveArt Designer supports any kind of promotional product, a wide range of sports uniforms, signs, or apparel products. Also, LiveArt contains multiple existing sample product templates you can start with to build your own product templates catalog.

Do you offer customization to your products?

Yes, we offer custom development allowing you to build your own designer or customize the one off the shelf. See more information about our services.

Do I get a white-labeled version of your designer?

You can order a white-label version of LiveArt Designer. Please inquire for a quote depending on the desired license type.

Can I change/cancel my plan?

Yes, you can change or cancel your current plan if you no longer use LiveArt. Your license will still be valid until the end of the payment period.

What are hosting options for LiveArt Designer?

LiveArt Designer is hosted on our premises by default. Alternatively, you can host on your premises if you have server that meets our requirements.

Which server requirements are needed?

For the standalone and Shopify-integrated version of LiveArt, minimal requirements are:

 1. Linux VPS/VDS, e.g. CentOS, with 1 CPU, 4Gb RAM, and 50Gb of disk space;

 2. SSH access with sudo ability;

 3. Docker installed;

 4. Amazon S3 bucket;

For the integrated versions such as Magento or WooCommerce, VPS/VDS is also required to run output production applications. The amount of RAM and disk space depends on the deployment type and how large the uploaded and output images would be.

What does LiveArt consist of?

The solution consists of multiple components, delivered as Docker images:

 1. The LiveArt HTML5 Designer Component itself;

 2. The backend part that will save and process the designer output and produce PDF;

 3. The LiveArt Control Panel (LACP) to setup products, premade templates, and manage assets like artwork or available fonts;

Please visit our documentation page to know more about LiveArt Designer or contact us for a custom setup.

What e-commerce platforms does LiveArt support?

LiveArt can be integrated into any eCommerce platform. We have ready integrations with Magento/Magento 2, WooCommerce and Shopify. Any other integrations with eCommerce platforms are available through custom integration for your particular case. Also, our LiveArt HTML5 Designer, built as SDK, can be integrated into any custom backend.

Can I install or integrate your design tool into my existing website myself?

Yes, using our documented API and sample backend code (Node.JS, PHP, or .NET). You are welcome to contact us to get the necessary information and guidance.

Can I test your Woocommerce, Magento or Shopify admin panels?

Yes, please welcome to inquire for a demo session. We also provide the necessary documentation to help you understand how to add products and configure them, add fonts, artwork, etc.

Do I get free updates and support for the product?

Yes! With each annual LiveArt license, you get free support for 12 months or for the duration of a prepaid license subscription. This includes free bug fixes, minor text changes in the interface, and assistance with operating the solution. New feature requests, personnel training, timely case response are paid according to the standard hourly rate.

LiveArt team offers high quality, and all possible bugs, glitches, or inconsistencies are fixed for free during 1st year of operation. If you are using LiveArt HTML5, you will also be entitled to obtain upgraded versions (released once a quarter on average) if your LiveArt was not customized.

Do you offer support plans?

We offer support plans starting from 20 hours/month for training, assistance, or custom upgrades. You can also purchase a dedicated support plan with a minimal allocation volume of 10 business days (two working weeks). Dedicated support is suitable for large or high-priority projects with well-defined scope and timely involvement of all stakeholders. Ask away for more info.

Do I get support for custom projects?

To get support for your custom project, you need to purchase a support plan. Minimal allocation volume is 240 hours/year (20hours/mo). Welcome to contact us, and we will help you choose an optimal support plan for your project.

What is your payment policy?

All invoices are Net 5 by default. This means that payment is due within 5 days of the invoice sending date.

How can I pay you for your products? What are the different payment options available?

Online payment is available with Stripe, Paypal, ACH, or wire transfer.

Do I have to pay for any bug fixes in the system?

No, if you are using any of the non-customized licenses of LiveArt and your support plan is active. If your license of LiveArt has been modified, any change requests are charged according to the agreed hourly rate.