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LiveArt HTML5 Product Designer is on Finish Line - Buy with 15% Discount

Volodymyr Yatsevsky posted on April 11, 2013

The company developments on product designer with non-Flash technologies was planned long ago and since 2010 we've been prototyping and working with alternative stack of tools that would allow us deliver online design experience on mobile devices and alternative browsers. Back in 2009 many application developers were staking at Silverlight, a newborn alternative to Flash player, offered by Microsoft. Unfortunately, it was not competitive enough to overwhelm the Adobe Flash popularity and user spread. Despite the fact that LiveArt was offering a Silverlight version of online designer, it was decided to give up on Silverlight as the one that has low spread and would not be supported on most of mobile devices.

The release of HTML5 Canvas, further support of SVG format has given many developers tools to bring common standalone applications back to web, including complex drawing applications and surely those of online product design. As the standard of HTML5 and it's supporting libraries and technologies became more stable, the development of LiveArt Product Designer, compatible as iOS online product design software and Android online product designer has begun.

The designer would offer the following features and will be fully replicating functionality of our current LiveArt Lite component. Since the user experience will be much improved yet offering familiar interface the upgrades are expected to be smooth.

From product and product online design perspective:

  • Ready for printing techniques such as screen printing, thermal application, direct to garment print, vinyl application etc.
  • Add product background with multiple sides and colors;
  • Support of multiple layers for product categories;
  • Ability to start designer with template or pre-selected product;
  • Pricing calculation with number of variables: quantity discounts, number of colors, design area, selected product etc.

From text decoration perspective:

  • Add text to stage and select, drag, rotate with both mouse and gestures (for tablet devices);
  • Select font face;
  • Select text color and standard decorations: bold, italic, outline and shadow;
  • Bring up or send down objects with layer controls, align vertically or horizontally;

From add image to online design perspective:

  • Upload own image to product design;
  • Browse images gallery and search by keywords;
  • Select image from gallery;
  • Single-colored vector images can be additionally colorized;

The component itself would have same integration architecture which would help developers connecting the tool to e-commerce applications, such as Magento, OsCommerce, ZenCart etc. The LiveArt HTML5 Online Designer will be also part of LiveArt Shop complete solution during the mid summer and available for same license price of $2,970.00.

Any questions, comments or feedback would be valuable and you're welcome to contact us!