How to Add Product Customization on Shopify

How to Add Product Customization on Shopify

Product customization has become a game-changer in e-commerce. Customers today crave personalized experiences, and businesses that offer customization can boost customer satisfaction and drive sales. Looking to learn how to add product customization on Shopify to enhance your store?

Shopify provides various ways to add product customization to your store. This includes Shopify’s built-in options, ready out-of-the-box plugins, and custom development solutions. Each method caters to different needs, helping you enhance the shopping experience and stand out from the competition. Whether you’re just starting or already looking for the best Shopify app for product customization, this post will guide you through the best options available.

Understanding Product Customization

Product customization lets customers personalize products to their liking, whether it’s choosing colors, adding text, or selecting unique features. This matters because it creates a more engaging shopping experience, making customers feel involved in the process.

The benefits are clear:

Improved Customer Experience: When customers can tailor products to their needs, they’re more satisfied with their purchase.

Higher Conversion Rates: Personalized products can lead to more sales as customers are more likely to buy something that feels unique to them.

Competitive Advantage: Offering customization sets your store apart from others, giving you an edge in a crowded market.

Customization Methods

Method 1: Shopify Options (Variants)

Shopify product page customization built-in variant options are the easiest way. These options allow you to create different versions of a product based on attributes like size, color, or material. It's a simple, cost-effective solution that doesn’t require any additional costs or plugins, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to add basic customization features to their online store.

Pros: No Additional Cost, Easy to Set Up

One of the main advantages of using Shopify’s built-in variant options is that they are completely free. You don't need to invest in extra apps or plugins to offer customization. Additionally, setting up these variants is user-friendly and doesn't require any technical expertise. You can quickly add and manage product variants directly from the Shopify admin dashboard.

Cons: Limited Flexibility and Scalability

However, there are some limitations to using built-in variants. The options provided by Shopify are relatively basic and might not cover all the customization needs of more complex products. For instance, if your products require a combination of multiple customizable attributes or if you have a large catalog, managing these variants can become cumbersome. This method also lacks the flexibility needed for more sophisticated customization features, such as the ability to add text and images, dynamic pricing based on customization, or complex conditional logic.

Steps to Implement Shopify Options

Create Product Variants (size, color, material, etc.)

To get started with product customization app Shopify variants, you’ll first need to create product variants for the items you want to customize. For example, if you’re selling t-shirts, you can set up variants based on size (small, medium, large) and color (red, blue, green). This involves adding each variant option in the product settings within Shopify.

Go to your Shopify admin dashboard.

Navigate to the “Products” section and select the product you want to add variants to.

Step 1

Scroll down to the “Variants” section and click “Add variant.”

Enter the details for each variant, such as the option name (e.g., size, material) and the values (e.g., small, medium, large).

Step 2

Use Variant Mages to Show Customization Options

Providing a visual representation of each variant is crucial for helping customers make informed decisions. Shopify allows you to upload images for each variant, showing exactly what the product looks like in different colors, sizes, or materials.

In the product settings, scroll to the “Images” section.

Upload images that correspond to each variant option.

Assign each image to the relevant variant by selecting the variant from the dropdown menu.

These images will be displayed when customers select different options, giving them a clear idea of what their customized product will look like.

Example Use Cases


For clothing items, offering customization through size and color variants is a common practice. For example, a t-shirt can be available in several sizes (small, medium, large) and colors (red, blue, green). This allows customers to choose the size that fits them best and their preferred color, enhancing their shopping experience.

 Promotional Merchandise

 Corporate gifts like customized notebooks, USB drives, or coffee mugs often feature company logos and unique messages. Using Shopify's customization tools, businesses can easily add their logo, select materials (like ceramic for mugs or leather for notebook covers), and choose colors that reflect their corporate identity. This customization capability is important for creating memorable gifts that stand out and maintain brand consistency across promotional items.

Method 2: Ready Out-of-the-Box Apps

When basic built-in options aren’t enough, Shopify’s App Store offers a range of plugins designed to enhance product customization. These plugins are easy to install and provide more advanced features, allowing you to offer a higher level of personalization to your customers.

Top Apps

>  Product Customizer

Product Customizer is perfect for businesses that need basic customization options. It allows customers to select from various options like text fields, dropdown menus, and file uploads. This plugin is straightforward and user-friendly, making it an excellent choice for those new to product customization Shopify.

>  Infinite Options

For more advanced customization features, Infinite Options is a fantastic choice. This plugin supports various customization types, including text boxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes. It also allows for conditional logic, meaning you can show or hide options based on previous selections, making the customization process smoother and more intuitive for customers.

LiveArt's Designer

LiveArt’s Designer is known for its powerful capabilities and user-friendly interface. This app offers a visual product designer tool, letting customers see a live preview of their customized product. It’s ideal for businesses that need detailed and visually rich customization, such as printing companies or apparel brands.

Steps to Implement

First, install the chosen plugin from the Shopify App Store. For example, you can find Product Customizer or Infinite Options, directly in the App Store, and the installation process is usually straightforward. If you opt for a unique solution outside the App Store, like LiveArt's Shopify product designer, contact the provider directly to get started.

After installing the app, you’ll need to configure it to suit your specific customization requirements. This typically involves setting up the products and templates setup, configuring a gallery of fonts, colors, and artwork.

Example Use Cases


For businesses selling signage, customization options like text fields, font selectors, and color pickers are essential. Apps like LiveArt’s Designer allow customers to see a live preview of their custom sign, ensuring they get exactly what they want. This can be particularly useful for creating personalized banners, business signs, or decorative pieces.

Sports Uniforms

Sports teams often require customized uniforms with specific colors, player names, and numbers. Using an app like LiveArt’s Designer, you can offer various customization fields and visual previews. This helps teams create unique, personalized uniforms that meet their exact specifications.

By using ready out-of-the-box apps, you can significantly enhance your Shopify product customization capabilities. These applications offer advanced features and a user-friendly interface, making it easier for your customers to personalize products to their liking, ultimately boosting satisfaction and sales.

Method 3: Custom Solution

Sometimes, off-the-shelf solutions just don’t cut it, and you need something truly bespoke. Custom development is the way to add customization to product Shopify with specific functionalities that ready-made plugins can’t provide.

Off-the-shelf plugins offer much flexibility, but they can only sometimes meet every unique business requirement. A custom Shopify product customization app becomes necessary when your store demands tailor-made features and an exceptional user experience. This approach allows you to create a solution that perfectly fits your needs, ensuring user interface and flow are optimized for your customers.

Success Case: MK Socks


MK Socks

MK Socks is a company known for its high-quality, customizable socks. They wanted to offer their customers an unparalleled customization experience, allowing them to choose patterns, and colors, and even add personalized text or logos. The standard plugins available on Shopify didn’t meet their specific needs for a smooth and highly visual customization process.


MK Socks turned to custom web-to-print development services to create a unique customization tool. They hired developers from LiveArt to build a solution that allowed customers to see a live preview of their customized socks, choose from a wide array of design options, and add personalized text or logos with ease. We’ve provided detailed guidance on how to create customizable products in Shopify. The custom tool was designed to be intuitive and visually appealing, enhancing the overall shopping experience.


The result was a significant increase in customer satisfaction and a notable boost in sales. Customers loved the ability to create unique designs, and the easy-to-use interface made the customization process fun and engaging. MK Socks saw a higher conversion rate and a strong increase in repeat business thanks to their bespoke customization tool.

Steps to Implement

Start by clearly defining what your customization needs are. Look at the limitations of existing solutions and identify the features you need that aren’t currently available. This might include specific customization fields, unique visual previews, or particular user interactions.

Once you have a clear idea of your requirements, hire a skilled Shopify developer or a development agency with experience in custom Shopify solutions. They will work with you to create a detailed plan and timeline for your project.

  1. Research and shortlist potential developers or agencies.
  2. Review their portfolios and client testimonials.
  3. Discuss your project requirements and get quotes.

How to add a customization option on Shopify? Work closely with your developer to build the custom solution. This involves several stages, including design, development, and testing. Ensure that the final product meets your specifications and provides a seamless user experience.

  1. Design the user interface and user experience based on your requirements.
  2. Develop the custom features and functionality.
  3. Thoroughly test the solution to identify and fix any issues.
  4. Deploy the custom solution to your Shopify store.

Example Use Cases

For jewelry stores, offering custom engraving options can significantly enhance the value of the products. With Shopify customization to products, you can provide customers with an intuitive interface to enter their desired text and see a live preview of the engraving on their chosen piece of jewelry. This can include selecting fonts, positioning the text, uploading images, and even choosing from various decorative elements. 

Symbols - Hearts, stars, or other meaningful icons.

Gems - Integration of different gemstones into the design.

Soldered Elements - Custom metal designs that can be soldered onto the jewelry for a unique touch.

Texture and Finish - Options for different surface textures or finishes on the metal.

Custom development ensures that the engraving process is smooth and that the final product meets the customer’s expectations.

By opting for custom development, businesses can create unique and engaging customization experiences that perfectly match their products and customer needs. Additionally, they can obtain a white-label solution with a unique design and flow, ensuring their brand identity remains prominent throughout the customer journey. This approach not only improves customer satisfaction but also drives sales and sets your store apart from the competition.

Industry-Specific Considerations

Different industries have unique requirements when it comes to product customization. Here’s a brief look at some industry-specific needs:


Customization for signs and stickers often involves the need for custom text and image uploads. Customers might want to add their logos, choose from a variety of fonts, and select specific colors to match their branding. A customization tool that allows for easy text input and image uploading, along with a live preview, is essential for this industry.

It's also important to let users add ready-made designs, choose from different sizes, and get high-quality output that can be printed immediately. This all-around method ensures that customers can easily change the signs and stickers to exactly what they want, improving customer satisfaction and brand representation.


When it comes to uniforms, customization options typically include size, color, and logo additions. Businesses and sports teams often require uniforms in different sizes and colors, with the ability to add custom logos or text. A robust customization tool should offer a range of sizes, a color palette, and an easy way to upload logos.

Ready-made templates are essential too, especially ones with complicated designs that can be colored. It's also possible that customers would want 3D effects to for a more realistic look. A roster of team members could be another important feature. This would make it easy to customize each uniform for the respective player. Collectively, these parts make it easier and more complete to customize outfits, which is great for businesses and sports teams with different needs.


Jewelry customization can be quite intricate, with options like engraving, gemstone selection, and choosing different metal types. Customers might want to add personalized messages through engraving, select specific gemstones for their jewelry pieces, and choose between metals such as gold, silver, or platinum. A detailed and intuitive customization interface is crucial to meet these needs.

Promotional Products

Customizing promotional things is important because they often act as brand ambassadors. Customers often want to include their company logos, pick from different styles, and pick colors that match their brand. It should be easy to enter text and add logos into the customization tool. It is also important to give customers choices, like choosing the material (like plastic, metal, or cloth) and being able to see a live preview of the product. This lets customers see how their branded items will look when they are finished.

Features and Differentiations

Each industry has specific customization needs that require tailored features. For example, while a basic text input might suffice for signs, jewelry customization might need advanced options like font selection and positioning for engravings, as well as visual previews for gemstone placements. Uniform customization requires a focus on size variations and color matching, with an easy logo upload feature.


Choosing the right product customization method is crucial for meeting your business needs and enhancing customer satisfaction. Whether you opt for Shopify's built-in variant options, ready out-of-the-box apps, or custom development, each method has its benefits and can be tailored to suit various industries.

Don’t know how to add custom options on Shopify? Try out our out-of-the-box plugin, contact us for custom development services, or consult for more detailed guidance.

By choosing the best method for your business and considering industry-specific features, you can create a personalized shopping experience that sets your store apart and drives customer satisfaction.

Author Info

Kateryna Poliakova
Having worked as a marketer for 8 years, Kateryna is an expert in her field. Starting as an SEO expert, she has learned a lot about content marketing and web promotion. As a key part of LiveArt team, Kateryna leverages her adept writing and strategic knowledge to shape and enhance the W2P content.
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